A Beginner’s Guide to Allergy Skin Tests

beginner's guide to allergy skin tests

Are you frequently dealing with sneezing, itching, or mysterious rashes? These could be signs of an allergic reaction. It is imperative that we comprehend the factors that bring about these signs and one of the methods of identifying allergies is the skin tests. Worry not, you are in the right place; Dr. Rushi Desai, an experienced pulmonologist and allergy specialist in Ahmedabad is here to help you with it. Now it’s time to explain what the allergy skin tests are, how it works and how it is significant.

What are Allergy Skin Tests?

Allergy skin tests are diagnostic methods that are applied to ascertain particular allergies which cause allergic reactions in people. That type of test entails applying different allergens on the skin and noting the response of the skin. The possible allergens employed may be pollen, pet dander, foods, insects’ sting, amongst others.

What Use Do Allergic Skin Tests Have?

In this particular case we are dealing with allergy treatment and that is why it is rather important to determine the primary and specific allergen that has triggered the allergic reaction. Allergy skin tests help in:

– Accurate Diagnosis: Identifying the particular allergens that may be triggering your signs and symptoms.

– Targeted Treatment: Enabling the providers to come up with a clear strategy that helps in the process of healing.

– Preventive Measures: Assisting you in keeping away from the allergic agents that you understand and improving how you handle the area you are in.

Kinds of Allergy Skin Tests

There are three main types of allergy skin tests:

1. Skin Prick Test (SPT): This is the most frequently used type and implies the introduction to the skin’s surface of minuscule quantities of the allergens.

2. Intradermal Test: Refers to the process of putting a little quantity of an allergen in a person’s skin.

3. Patch Test: Allergens are spotted on patches after which the patches are fixed on the skin so that they can be monitored for 48 hours to pick delayed reactions.

How to Prepare for an Allergy Skin Test

Before undergoing an allergy skin test, certain preparations are necessary to ensure accurate results. Here are some steps to follow:

1. Consultation: For an accurate assessment and diagnosis of the symptoms and medical history, people should book an appointment with Dr. Rushi Desai, eminent pulmonologist Ahmedabad

2. Medication Review: You should also let the doctor know of any medication you are on since some can affect the results of the tests that will be conducted on you. Your doctor will tell you to avoid antihistamines, some types of antidepressants, and some medications for heartburn about 3 days prior to the test.

3. Skin Care: It is advisable that one does not apply any form of lotion or cream on to his or her skin on the day of the test.

The Allergy Skin Test Procedure

Knowing the procedure is always helpful in cases where one may be anxious about the kind of test that is to be conducted. Here’s what to expect:

1. Skin Prick Test:

Preparation: Your skin usually either on the forearm or back will be cleaned.

– Application: That is, allergens are first spotted in tiny droplets on the skin, and then with the help of a very fine needle – a sterility and sharp end.

– Observation: The test site is observed for about 15-20 minutes in order to check for some reaction such as erythema or oedema.

2. Intradermal Test:

– Injection: A very subtle amount of allergen is introduced into the skin via the subcutaneous layer.

– Observation: Reactions at the test site are watched for about 15-20 minutes of the test.

3. Patch Test:

– Application: Antigens are placed on patches and they are stuck on your back part of your body with sticky tapes.

– Observation: The patches stay on the skin for 48 hours and then the reaction to the tests is observed on the skin.

Living with Allergies: Tips and Advice

Thus, the management of allergies can work far in relation to the increment of the quality of life. Here are some tips to help you cope

– Environmental Control: If you are frequently exposed to allergens in your home then to minimise them you can cleanse your air, wash your home often and reduce dust and mould production.

– Allergy-Proof Bedding: The allergen-proof mattress and pillows should also be used, as they can also be considered as recommendable.

– Pets: Pets are ought to be bathed and brushed frequently and should be avoided or restricted to play at places like carpets or furniture at the house if the residents of the house are allergic to pet dander.

Medication Adherence: Obey what your Pulmonologist Ahmedabad doctor tells you to do and follow his prescriptions by having with you the medications which he prescribed to you or foods and others which cause you severe allergic reactions.

When to See an Allergy Specialist in Ahmedabad

If only you have some sort of constant allergy indications, then it will be advisable that you continue to consult a specialist. Dr. Rushi Desai is among the leading lung specialist in Ahmedabad and aims at his patients to adopt the right measures regarding their allergies. Therefore, with competence he will be able to ease you and make your health so much better.


Skin tests are vital procedures in the identification of allergies and in handling the discovered allergies. At times, not even the pulmonologist in Ahmedabad can do much about allergies; though, with the assistance of Dr. Rushi Desai, the Best Pulmonologist in Ahmedabad it becomes possible to learn what allergens affect you and how to decrease the effect. Just because one is a victim to allergies does not mean that one cannot take a step towards leading a healthier life, hire a professional today. For consultations and appointments with Dr. Rushi Desai, visit his clinic in Ahmedabad and begin your journey towards better respiratory and overall health.