10 Home Remedies to Combat the Dreaded Dry Cough

10 home remedies for dry cough

A dry cough can be more than just an annoyance—it can affect your sleep, irritate your throat, and even lead to complications if left untreated. Some people can temporarily eliminate or alleviate the symptoms with the help of an OTC medicine, but others prefer to use natural dry cough remedies. Below is the guide of the ten best home remedies that can assist in warding off dry cough.

Ten Best Home Remedies

1. Honey and Warm Water

It has long been proposed that honey is effective in treating throat related problems including dry cough. Given its medicinal like properties it forms a layer over the throat hence minimising irritation on the throat.

How to Use: Take a spoon of honey in warm water or in tea and have to take it two times a day. This natural cure is very useful to reduce dry coughs especially in the evening, making one sleep well at night.

2. Ginger Tea

Ginger has anti-inflammatory effects which makes it useful in treating dry cough. It assists in making the airway muscles to relax and thereby also reduces inflammation of the throat.

How to Use: Use fresh ginger root and wash it; cut the ginger into thin slices and place the slices in water and boil the mixture for 10- 15 min. Squeeze and then add a little bit of honey in order to give it that little something sweet. To reduce the flare up of dry cough one should take this tea two or three times a day.

3. Steam Inhalation

To get rid of throat irritation usually caused by a dry cough, there is no better way to go about it than inhaling some steam. It can also help to moisturise the airways, to kind of an unblocking action on the mucus and to help to ease the tickle in the throat.

 How to Use: Heat water until the water comes to boil, add water in a bowl. Place a towel over your head so that you are able to cover yourself over the basin and take fumes for about 10 minutes. You can also add a few drops of eucalyptus oil for extra benefit as well On the other hand.

4. Turmeric Milk

Turmeric has curcumin in it which is an anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and even anti-bacterial. One of the natural home dry cough remedy is turmeric milk which is commonly used by Indian people.

How to Use: Any one of the following: Adding one teaspoon of turmeric powder to a glass of warm milk. Take this daily once at night to emit frequent coughs at night.

5. Saltwater Gargle

If only so as you are really tired of having to deal with a sore throat and the dry cough that comes with it but a saltwater gargle is magic. It aids in getting rid of bacteria in the throat as well as decreasing inflammation.

How to Use: A solution to this is to dissolve ½ teaspoon of salt in warm water and use it to gargle for 30 seconds. It should be done this way two to three times a day for best outcome.

6. Peppermint Tea

One of the ingredients of peppermint is menthol and this works well to decongest the throat and this is good for dry cough. It also assists in neutral congestion which worsens coughing.

How to Use: Prepare natural peppermint tea by boiling fresh peppermint leaves in hot water for about ten minutes. And it is nice to be taken warm, once or twice daily.

7. Thyme Tea

Thyme can kill bacteria and possess antitussive effects and it means that thyme can be useful in treatment of some diseases. It is especially useful in soothing the throat muscles and in removing mucus hence beneficial in eradicating dry cough.

How to Use: It enables you to sauté one tablespoon of dried thyme in one cup of water. Filter and add honey or, preferably, lemon for the taste to be more pleasant. You can take this herbal tea two times a day for the symptoms to fade away.

8. Almond Paste

Almonds contain many nutrients that may be useful for building up the immune system and for dehydrated cough. If almonds are ground into paste then it is very effective in providing relief from throat irritation.

How to Use: It removes stress by soaking 5-6 almonds in water throughout the night. In the morning after they have ripened, you have to peel them and grind them into paste. taken in combination with butter or honey with a general dosage that should be taken two times per day should it provide relief.

9. Licorice Root Tea

Licorice root possesses natural expectorant and demulcent features that assist to reduce thickened secretion and to alleviate inflammation in the chest. However, the most effective kind is the long lasting cough caused by dry weather for instance, dry cough.

How to Use: Pour one tablespoon of dried licorice root with one cup of boiling water and let steep for 10 minutes. Take the tea strain and drink this at least twice daily for the treatment of dry cough.

10. Stay Hydrated

The simplest and most efficient ways of going about the problem of a dry cough remedy  include taking enough water to drink. Water softens the throat and prevents it from becoming raw, clears the throat of irritants, which may lead to the cough.

How to Use: Take hot water with additions such as vegetables or herbal teas that will warm up your tummy all through the day. One should avoid taking cold or sugary substances since they may worsen the cough.

When to See a Pulmonologist?

In spite of these dry cough home remedies these remedies can be of so much help, will assist in relieving the condition in question but will play an important factor in knowing when to seek for the assistance of a doctor.

In case your lasts for more than three weeks or is coupled by such features as shortness of breath, chest pain, or wheezing, you should consider seeing a pulmonologist doctor in Ahmedabad.

People of Ahmedabad are especially advised to visit the best pulmonologist in Ahmedabad or an asthma doctor near them. Pulmonologists’ main field of work is related to the respiratory system, which encompasses coughs that are chronic, coughing due to asthma and or any other health complication that has to do with the lungs.

There is establishment of many pulmonologist doctors in Ahmedabad who can evaluate you properly, plan some tests and then give the required medication or treatment accordingly.


Dry cough can be a disturbing one but here are some natural home remedies that can assist you to get rid of dry cough. It is possible to soothe a sore throat with ginger tea or treat a sore throat with warm salt water both easy remedies made from what you may already have at your house. However, if the symptoms you have do not go away, please feel free to contact a certified pulmonologist doctor in Ahmedabad.

With the help of the following dry cough home remedies and getting in touch with an asthma doctor near me, one can easily reduce dry cough and have a better breathing experience. Drink more water, use the following remedies and be healthy!